
Posts Tagged ‘e-sign’

Chronicles of a modern home buyer

November 15, 2011 2 comments

 A friend of mine spent over a year looking for a home to purchase and during that time, signed and initialed countless offers and counter offers. The thought of it is exhausting. It went a little like this: she would find a place, get a large email with countless pages depending on the purchasing situation, short sale, REO etc. Print them all out, sign, scan and try to email them back–but only in pieces because the file size was always too large. Finally, she pondered over and over again as to whether or not she should just shell out the costly fees of faxing them out or, drive 30 minutes away to give them to her realtor– if the scanning wasn’t going so well, tiresome right? Remembering this makes me wonder why all realtors aren’t using eSigning technology. The home buyers’ life would be so much easier if each realtor just had a product like eSignOnline.